Today we go to Montreux for a wedding, it is the great day of T&P. Montreux, if you do not know yet, it is at the edge of the Lake Leman, it is also one of the greatest jazz festivals of Europe and precisely arrangements started everywhere in the city. At one week close I would have remained well a few days more after the marriage, today I benefit from the sight since Fairmont Montreux Palace, you will also benefit from it with the first photograph from the serie. The weather is nice, it is warm (but one will see that will be spoiled), one prepares in different rooms, it is Switzerland, it is calm… The place is splendid and I could remain after midday to make photographs of couple but we must go to the temple, the road is superb and one goes along hectares (and hectares) of vineyard. I already learned from long time that yes, the Swiss ones can make wine (moreover they keep it), I wish you to have the occasion to make marriages here, I adore Switzerland…
Much emotion in the family and among the friends with the temple with a amazing pastor who can say the words and to the right time, which can have breaks to enjoy the moments. That goes up crescendo, at the same time as the clouds which you to surprise to us during the couple photoshoot with the top of the lake and the vineyards (I let to you find a little the “strange” photograph where one wonders what the couple makes there. Avery beautiful meeting organized and decorated under the hand with Master with Gianna (but in a velvet glove) wedding planner in Lausanne. The evening will start, that still assembles notch.
Do I take you along with me? one goes there!