An elopement starting in Shangri La, Paris, and then followed by a ceremony in Pavillon de Musique with 2 charming and elegant people kissing each other a lot. At this step i did a very good summary of what happened excepted they also smile a lot. Shangri La in Paris is known for their amazing view on Eiffel tower from the terraces, you will see in this one that’s true and specially with the light it seems really near by. For the photoshoot after th elunch, Micheal asked for a very romantic surprise: an accordeonist following us from place to place, playing for us. I have to admit at the starting point i was not really enthousiastic with this idea and finally the guy was so good and gentle that yes, it was great. If you ask about the wight of the bouquet, yes it’s quite heavy and very consistent with the shoes. The Pavillon de musique is usually used for big wedding and to have it only for us is a privilege, allowing to make photos everywhere around and to play with the window [;-)]