Elopement in Paris, jardin du Luxembourg

An elopement in Paris is a bit of a dream for many Americans coming in Europe. Today it is the one of Ricky & Jess who have chosen to unite in Paris. After several proposals between the Eiffel Tower and the gardens of Notre Dame, the choice was the Luxembourg Garden.The Medicis fountain is really special, sheltered under the trees, a little far away, it is a place that inspires tranquility. The difficulty is to find a place without the public turning around and taking selfies. We are always sensitive, with Pierre, to take care of the location so that the bride and groom can be in their bubble. It’s a time for them and only for them.

a couple in front of Medicis fountain

a couple in front of Medicis fountain

the vows at Luwembourg garden

the vows at Luwembourg garden

the bride reads the vows at Luwembourg garden

the bride reads her vows at Luwembourg garden

the groom reads the vows at Luwembourg garden

emotions during the vows

emotions during the vows

emotions during the vows


the groom slides the ring

a big laugh making a mistake with the finger

you can kiss the bride

groom opens the champagne bottle
couple picture in front of fountain

the Medicis fountain

the couple under a music a typical kiosk

The Parisian music stands are really typical with their hexagonal shapes, their metal structures and can only be seen in the gardens. Often used by Parisians for lunchtime or to do their gymnastics. So it takes a lot of luck to hear a group of musicians there. To stay in the typical places we have chosen to go on the banks of the Seine behind Notre Dame and in addition to making the journey in 2 CV Citroen.

Vue sur Notre Dame depuis les quais

les rives en face de l'ïle saint louis

marcher le long des quais

le couple s'enlace sous le pont des Tournelles

marcher le long des quais et s'embrasser


marcher le long des quais et s'embrasser

Of course to finish, what could be more symbolic than the return to modernity with this superb mix of 2 eras and 2 architectures: the old Louvre and the modern pyramid. Play with the triangle, avoid people around it. Make the bride and groom dance.

La cour du Louvre autour de laPyramide

La cour du Louvre autour de la Pyramide

le couple s'enlace à la Pyramide

le couple s'enlace à la Pyramide

le couple s'enlace à la Pyramide

A little jump to Bir Hakeim Bridge and finish the champagne in the car. Did you know that this car is a convertible? Enjoy the Parisian sky, be able to look at the Hausmann buildings, with your nose in the air, savour the bubbles and let yourself be carried away.

boire le champagne dans la voiture

boire le champagne dans la voiture

la structure du pont de bir hakeim

Bir hakeim et la vue sur la tour eiffel

enlacé sous le pont bir hakeim

marcher ensemble sous le pont

marcher ensemble sous le pont

Bir hakeim et la vue sur la tour eiffel

Mateos wedding Elopement in paris photographer


Gorgeous couple. Photos are stunning!